Did you purchase season tickets and are looking for someone to go with you?
Have you suddenly found you have an extra ticket because your baseball buddy is passed out drunk on the floor, or is now on life support?
Would you rather have an empty seat next to you or would you like to invite me, an avid Nats fan, to enjoy the game with you?
I look the way you would expect a Senior Lady to look. Sadly, I lost my battle with gravity, but I'm not such a hag that the villagers have chased me out of town with pitchforks and torches yet. I cry unabashedly during the National Anthem and when the military receive their well deserved recognition. I promise if I catch a foul ball I will give it to you, providing it doesn't first knock me in the head and give me a concussion.
Funny story: at one game I was kicked in the head by a fan who lost his balance reaching for a foul ball. Remind me to tell you about it. Oh, never mind.....that is the story.
A few advantages for taking me:
1. I live 3 blocks from the stadium ~ you don't need to give me a ride.
2. I am divorced ~ not looking for a husband.
3. I don't drink beer, so you're already ahead nine bucks ~ ten for premium.
4. If you collapse in a heap, I will be close by and can push your "I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up Button" for you.
If you have an extra ticket that isn't going to be used and would like to invite me to stand next to you as we Root, Root, Root for the home team....get in touch.... it would be a real shame to let your unused ticket go to waste.....