I hope you found 2018 enjoyable.
The highlight of my year happened on October First, when I celebrated my 70th birthday. On that day, I experienced a mystical, cosmic conversion, that instantly transformed me from an annoying old woman into a Cute, Little Old Lady.
I quickly discovered being a CLOL is like having a ‘Get out of Jail Free Card.’ It seems no matter what I say or do, people just give me a tolerant smile, and sigh. Of course, wearing a rhinestone tiara emblazoned with the number “70” possibly encourages them.
Recently, a friend I invited for lunch inadvertently knocked on my neighbor’s door. When she asked for me, my neighbor said, “You have the wrong apartment. You want the elderly lady next door.”
Sliding into the “elderly category” has tremendous advantages, like socializing with other CLOLs in The Red Hat Society. We have get-togethers, attend plays, Happy Hours, movies, go to restaurants and even throw in a few cultural events. You likely have seen a group of us clad in purple and wearing red hats. We often wear feathered boas, lots of jewelry, and sparkly do-dads. It’s all in good fun, like Little Girls playing dress up tea party.
An additional advantage is having more time to hang out at the casino. In November, I hit a $1,278.00 Jackpot while playing Quick Hit Slots. I was pretty excited, until the attendant handed me a W-2G form to file with the IRS.
Another significant 2018 event happened in June, when my son, Peyton turned 40. He said he didn’t want a party, so three of his closest friends, plus his dad and I went out for a quiet, casual early dinner. I was surprised and a bit disappointed he didn’t want to celebrate such a major life milestone with his parents. But he told us he preferred to keep it low key, even though he had friends who wanted to host several blowout parties and….hey, wait a minute……
That’s pretty much my year in review. I would love to relate more stories about my exciting life in the Nation's Capital, but my short term memory has joined me in retirement, and my long term memory enjoys extended vacations. (Confidentially, I needed to look at my Facebook Page in order to recall the few I listed.)
I wish for all my aging Baby Boomer friends a Very Merry Christmas and hope that Santa will give you a tolerant smile, sigh, and put you on the "nice" side of his list this year.
With love from,
The Elderly Lady Next Door
The highlight of my year happened on October First, when I celebrated my 70th birthday. On that day, I experienced a mystical, cosmic conversion, that instantly transformed me from an annoying old woman into a Cute, Little Old Lady.
I quickly discovered being a CLOL is like having a ‘Get out of Jail Free Card.’ It seems no matter what I say or do, people just give me a tolerant smile, and sigh. Of course, wearing a rhinestone tiara emblazoned with the number “70” possibly encourages them.
Recently, a friend I invited for lunch inadvertently knocked on my neighbor’s door. When she asked for me, my neighbor said, “You have the wrong apartment. You want the elderly lady next door.”
Sliding into the “elderly category” has tremendous advantages, like socializing with other CLOLs in The Red Hat Society. We have get-togethers, attend plays, Happy Hours, movies, go to restaurants and even throw in a few cultural events. You likely have seen a group of us clad in purple and wearing red hats. We often wear feathered boas, lots of jewelry, and sparkly do-dads. It’s all in good fun, like Little Girls playing dress up tea party.
An additional advantage is having more time to hang out at the casino. In November, I hit a $1,278.00 Jackpot while playing Quick Hit Slots. I was pretty excited, until the attendant handed me a W-2G form to file with the IRS.
Another significant 2018 event happened in June, when my son, Peyton turned 40. He said he didn’t want a party, so three of his closest friends, plus his dad and I went out for a quiet, casual early dinner. I was surprised and a bit disappointed he didn’t want to celebrate such a major life milestone with his parents. But he told us he preferred to keep it low key, even though he had friends who wanted to host several blowout parties and….hey, wait a minute……
That’s pretty much my year in review. I would love to relate more stories about my exciting life in the Nation's Capital, but my short term memory has joined me in retirement, and my long term memory enjoys extended vacations. (Confidentially, I needed to look at my Facebook Page in order to recall the few I listed.)
I wish for all my aging Baby Boomer friends a Very Merry Christmas and hope that Santa will give you a tolerant smile, sigh, and put you on the "nice" side of his list this year.
With love from,
The Elderly Lady Next Door